"Never let incompetence stop
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Due to his manic nature, the Abstract Mechanic never leaves his keyboard. But not everything could or should be sold!

As a thanks to the very generous developer community (and to satisfy our vanity to be honest), we have published code in the public domain on CodeProject.

The articles/projects - all of them C++ under MFC, are so far:

Controls-in-controls: A line-numbering edit box
A plug-in text-box with automatic line numbering.

Controls-in-controls: An edit box with an icon
A plug-in text-box with an icon.

Rapid data entry: An edit box with a history
A plug-in text-box with an attached history.

CRulerRichEditCtrl - a complete RTF mini-editor
A complete little RTF-editor with a built in ruler for tabs.

CDiskObject: Simplifying common disk operations
A class for the most common disk operations.

CTextFile: A handy helper
A class for the most common text file operations.

CDiagramEditor - DIY vector and dialog editor
A very derivable plug-in vector editor.

CFlowchartEditor - linking things in CDiagramEditor
A proof-of-concept flowchart editor based on the above editor.

UMLEditor - revisiting the vector editor
An UML class-diagram editor that will even generate source code. Was voted the best MFC article on CodeProject June 2004

Report Generator
A report generator class with a report editor thrown in as a bonus. Was voted the best MFC article on CodeProject March 2005

All the above projects are created to be derived from and extended to fit specific needs. We impose no restrictions whatsoever on the use of the code.

We have detected an embarassing bug in one of our
public projects.
Design 2010 by Crimefighter. Stock photographies from www.bigphoto.com.